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Conversational AI vs Chatbots

Posted on January 11, 2023 by Subhasish Nanda

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve customer service and engagement. One of the most popular ways to achieve this is by implementing conversational AI and chatbots. Both of these technologies have the capability to automate and streamline customer interactions, but there are key differences between the two that should be considered when determining which one is the best fit for your business.

Key differences to keep in mind

Conversational AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to enable human-like conversations between machines and humans. This technology is designed to understand and respond to natural language inputs, such as speech or text, in a way that mimics human conversation. It can be integrated into various platforms, such as voice assistants, chat applications, and social media, to create a more seamless and personalized experience for customers.

On the other hand, chatbots are a specific application of conversational AI that enables businesses to interact with customers through text-based conversations. Chatbots can be integrated into websites, mobile apps, and messaging platforms, and they use natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) to understand and respond to customer inquiries. Chatbots are typically used for simple and repetitive tasks, such as providing information or answering frequently asked questions.

One of the biggest differences between conversational AI and chatbots is the level of complexity they can handle. Conversational AI is designed to handle more complex and nuanced conversations, while chatbots are typically limited to simple and repetitive tasks. This means that conversational AI is better suited for businesses that require a more sophisticated level of customer service, such as a bank or insurance company, while chatbots are better suited for businesses that need to handle a large volume of simple customer inquiries, such as a retail or e-commerce company.

Another key difference between conversational AI and chatbots is the level of personalization they can provide. Conversational AI is designed to understand context and intent, which allows it to provide a more personalized experience for customers. For example, if a customer is calling a bank to inquire about their account balance, a conversational AI system would be able to understand the customer’s account number and provide them with the information they need. On the other hand, chatbots are typically limited to providing pre-determined responses to customer inquiries and do not have the ability to understand context or intent.

Conversational AI is also more expensive than chatbots. This is because it requires more advanced technology and resources to develop and maintain. For example, it requires large amounts of data to train the AI system, as well as experts in AI and NLP to develop and maintain the system. Chatbots, on the other hand, are relatively inexpensive to develop and maintain, making them a more cost-effective option for small businesses and startups.

Final Thoughts

Conversational AI and chatbots are both effective tools for businesses to automate and streamline customer interactions. However, there are key differences between the two that should be considered when determining which one is the best fit for your business. Conversational AI is better suited for businesses that require a more sophisticated level of customer service, while chatbots are better suited for businesses that need to handle a large volume of simple customer inquiries.

Additionally, conversational AI is more expensive than chatbots, so cost should also be taken into consideration. Ultimately, the choice between conversational AI and chatbots will depend on the specific needs and goals of your business.

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